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Beard Straightening Methods

Sakal Baba
Monday, February 14, 2022

Curly beard is a common problem for many men. Because curly beards take shape more difficult.

Beard Straightener

Curly beard is a common problem for many men. Because curly beards take shape more difficult. In addition, thanks to scattered beards, you will have an unmaintained and ugly look. A lot of men don't grow beards for this reason or researches beard straightening methods. How about we examine the methods of straightening the beard together?

Growing a beard is one way to impress women. According to recent research, men bearded by women are more charming. At the same time, beards are part of your style. When you cut your beard according to your facial features, you will get the model you want. Thus you'll have a more impressive beard. 


Curly or wavy beards will make you look neglected. If you want to have flat beards, you should do beard straightening. This process is quite effective, although it may seem simple. Therefore, beard straightening is very important.

How to straighten a beard?

Beard straightening operations are performed to shape beards that have reached a certain length level. Thanks to this process, you will get a more well-maintained and clean look. You can think of this process as hair straightening methods for women. 


However, the methods applied for hair are not suitable for the beard. Hair follicles and beard roots are different. 

What can be done?

Below, we're going to talk about beard straightening methods. 


What are beard straightening methods?

Many of the men complain about the curly beard. Such a beard makes beard maintenance difficult and lead to hygiene problems. That's why manufacturers are launching different products on the subject. Although these products are not permanent, they keep your beards flat for a long time. We will present our suggestions on this issue. The best of the following suggestions is the healthiest one for your beard. This is a very important detail and you have to pay attention to that. You should also be careful not to damage your beard. 

Here are some of these methods

  1. Hair/Beard Straightener Cream: You can go to a hairdresser and ask him to do it. The hairdresser will prepare a mixture. This mixture will provide a straightening of approximately 1 to 3 months. However, there is a risk here. This mixture may contain chemical components, which can damage your beard and skin. You shouldn't miss that detail. Such products are usually for hair. Note that this process can wear your skin out and damage your beard. 

  1. Beard Straightener Creams: Hair straightener creams prepared for hair are also said to be used for the beard. Some people buy and use these creams. But we don't know how much damage these products will do to our beard. You should thoroughly investigate these products before using them. Products produced for hair should not be used for the beard. Scalp and structure and skin and beard structure are different. Therefore, its reactions to cosmetic products are different. Large cosmetic companies make this distinction and offer their products to the customer. 

  1. Straightener With Blow-Dryer: You can straighten your beard with the blow-dryer. However, the effect of this operation is very short. This period is 1 day or 1 and a half days. At this point, it is important to remember the external factors. It is very effective in shortening this period in external factors such as air, dirt and beard washing. Using a continuous blow-dryer wears off your beard in the long run.  

  1. Sakal Baba Beard Straightener Foam: You can straightening your beard in a short time with Sakal Baba Beard Straightener Foam. You will also not have any health problems with this product. The components in it are certified and are very preferred.

  1. Beard Hair Straightener Comb: Beard Hair Straightener Comb developed for straightening while combing your beards with wireless technology. It is a product that makes life easier and allows you to achieve aesthetic hair and beard. If you use Sakal Baba Beard Straightener Foam before, you can be straightening for longer. Besides, this product doesn't wear off your beard like a blow-dryer. 

We've told you many ways. You should choose the healthiest and most accurate method. 


What should be considered in beard straightening?

There are also beard care products such as hair care products on the market. When buying these products, we should choose those who are natural and close to nature. Many products have artificial components. As a conscious consumer, we have to pay attention to them. Therefore, you should be careful during product preference. 


We shouldn't do any damage to beard roots. Therefore, you should avoid risky products. Sakal Baba Beard Straightener Foam is the ideal choice. Foam has components that are compatible with the natural structure of your skin. There are also beneficial oils in the foam. It is extremely simple to use. That way you don't need anyone. 

Sakal Baba Beard Straightener Foam With Beard Straightening

Before using Sakal Baba Beard Straightener Foam, you should use sulfate-free Sakal Baba Beard Wash. Then you should put the product on your damp beards. Finally, you can complete the process with Beard Hair Straightener Comb. 

Beard Straightening Products